Why Choose Total Freedom Dental Implants Over Other Scottsdale Implant Providers

Tucson, Arizona, USA downtown skyline with Sentinel Peak at dusk.

Dental implants have become a powerful solution for so many because implants boost confidence and improve your quality of life. With more confidence, men and women of all ages find it easier to pursue their goals and feel comfortable in social settings. With a functional set of teeth, you can eat with ease and your risk for cardiovascular disease is reduced.

If you are ready to make a positive change in your life with dental implants, your next option is to decide what dentist will provide your implants and complete the procedure. This article shares the important factors you should consider when choosing a dentist for dental implants and how Total Freedom Dental Implants has set the standard high in Arizona for providing world class experience for all their patients.

EXPERIENCED PERIODONTIST: Dr. Kaiser has been placing implants for 30 years.

It is often confusing for patients to determine who should be providing their dental treatment when it involves surgical procedures. It is important remember that with any surgical procedure there are inherent risks, and you should be in experienced hands when getting dental implants.

Dr. Kaiser is the most respected dental implant specialist in Scottsdale Arizona. He built his career as a dentist passionate about helping patients renew their smiles. With over 30 years specializing in dental implant solutions, he always recommends the best and safest method for dental implant treatments. When you see advertising that states your implants will be placed by a specialist, you should check to see if their specialty field is dental implants. Most of the time, it is not.

Patients should also understand that there is a significant difference between residency trained surgical specialists and dentists without any post-graduate surgical residency training. It is the extensive amount of training and experience of the surgical specialists that enables them to diagnose and manage potential complications that can occur.

Dr. Kaiser is a residency trained, board-eligible periodontist. He is from Cape Girardeau, Missouri. He attended college in his hometown, graduating from Southeast Missouri State University. He received his dental and periodontal specialty training from the University of Missouri and subsequently moved to Scottsdale in 1978.

He began his specialty practice limited to periodontics and surgical implant dentistry in 1978 when he placed his first dental implant and has placed several thousand since. Dr. Kaiser is particularly proud of the fact that while his daily practice, for over 30 years, has included periodontal, dental implant, and dental alveolar surgery he has never had a single complaint filed with the Arizona State Board of Dental Examiners.

Dr. Kaiser cares about his patients and is committed to providing expert care and perfect smiles for all his patients!

I wasn’t just another case at Total Freedom, they treated me like royalty and really got to know me and what I wanted. They turned a frightening procedure into the makeover of a lifetime!

HONEST RECOMMENDATIONS: Your health and goals are our #1 priority.

Total Freedom is about setting you free and giving you new confidence to enjoy, laugh, and lead the happy life you deserve. Your happiness AND health are our number one priority. We will only do what is best for our patients. Our focus is not meeting a corporate business goal, but instead we focus on retaining teeth and will do all we can to prevent you from losing teeth.

With some implant centers, patients are left wondering if the solution they are presented with is the best one for them. We pride ourselves in offering choices to meet our patient’s individual goals, if the request does not conflict with sound dental principles and advice. We are not here to sell to you. We are here to give you the smile and confidence you deserve. We will take conservative route to your dental care and layout a unique treatment plan.

At Total Freedom Dental Implant Center, we also pride ourselves in offering our patients the best choices in Scottsdale Arizona. Choices that are tailored to their needs and in their best interest. For example, when a patient presents without any teeth the choice is clear, dental implants will always be the best solution. However, when teeth are present there is not always a clear choice. Often a full set of dental implants will not be in the patients’ best interest. When teeth can be predictably maintained simply replacing those missing with one or more implants will usually result in the most natural, lifelike result possible. So, whether or not you need a single implant, a complete set or even if implants are not needed, you will receive expert care at Total Freedom Dental Implant Center.

I went to Total Freedom for a second opinion and I am so happy I did! They offered an alternative treatment plan that saved me a lot of money in the long run.

TECHNOLOGY AND CHOICES: We do not outsource any of our work.

At Total Freedom, we don’t hand off our patients’ case with outsourcing any work. Other implant centers outsource their design and milling. We are the industry leader in technology becoming the country’s first fully digital dental implant center. We have invested in the design software, the five access milling machines so that we can actually manufacture a world class product, completely in-house. Our master technicians utilize this state-of-the-art technology to produce to deliver superior results. Many businesses use technology to improve quality so they can charge more, at Total Freedom Dental we use our technology so we can charge less.

Our in-house lab also allows us to give our patients more choices. Because we control the milling and design, we are not limited to the standard materials such as titanium, denture acrylic and denture teeth. We can offer newer metal free materials such as PMMA. PMMA is polymethyl methacrylate which is used to fabricate dental restorations such as implants. Its qualities of biocompatibility, reliability, relative ease of manipulation, and low toxicity were soon seized upon and incorporated by many different medical specialties including dentistry. PMMA is also successfully being used for bone cements; contact and intraocular lens; screw fixation in bone; (filler for bone cavities and skull defects; and vertebrae stabilization in osteoporotic patients. We can manufacture using zirconia with porcelain inserts for the best combination of esthetic and strength in a prosthetic designed to last a lifetime. Our implants are designed to last a lifetime and we help make sure you know how to take care of them to get the most out of your investment.

I am extremely happy with the results of this journey and want to give my greatest thanks to everyone at Total Freedom Dental. It was a big decision and I have no regrets. You gave me the smile I never thought I could have!

COMFORT AND CONFIDENCE: We are dedicated to bringing joy to our patients

Total Freedom Dental Implant Center is here for you. We are passionate about giving everyone the opportunity to have a perfect smile. We offer a worry-free experience and will gain your trust by showing you respect. We offer a friendly, relaxed environment all under one roof. You can have all services performed right here in our Scottsdale office. There is no need to drive anywhere else for any part of the procedure. Your Total Freedom specialists are all under one roof.

When you meet with us for a consultation, we take the time to get to know you because by understanding your story, we can provide the best solution for you. We will do a thorough exam of your mouth so that we may provide a thorough explanation of your condition and lay out a unique treatment for your specific goals. You will leave our office knowing so much more about your health and dental options.

Total Freedom is the best. They treat you with such kindness and respect. I never felt pressured and all my questions were always answered with a thorough and honest explanation. The office is also extremely comfortable.

NO HIDDEN FEES: We provide a clear plan of your dental implant journey.

We are upfront about all our costs and do our best to provide everyone with the chance to have the smile they deserve. Many clinics across the Valley are now advertising the service of dental implants. These clinics are often franchise operations or owned by private corporations or an absent dentist. Their ads misrepresent the timeline for treatments and claim an extremely discounted price that does not include all the fees that will be charged. These claims are made for one reason, to distract the potential patient from the most important issue, an issue the clinic may prefer not to address, the experience of the dentist placing your implants.

A local dental implant center gave me a treatment plan, but it seemed extremely low. I went to Total Freedom for a second opinion. They explained the entire process in detail and explained costs that were left out of the treatment plan. I called the local center, and admitted it was not the full treatment plan. I chose Total Freedom and I’m thankful that I was not stuck with unexpected costs and received excellent care from an experienced dentist.

Total Freedom Dental Implant Center has been Arizona’s leading choice for dental implants for over 30 years. You can trust that here at Total Freedom you will be in the hands of an expert. Experience matters above all else. If you have any questions about dental implants and would like a FREE consultation, please call our office 480-860-9002.


Why Total Freedom?

Total Freedom is a custom solution and one of the most well recognized dental implants providers in Scottsdale and Phoenix.

We’re about providing the treatment that best fits you. That could mean a full set of new teeth. It could mean fewer implants than you anticipated. It could mean you don’t require any implants at all. When we can save the teeth you have, that’s what we recommend.

Restore Your Confidence

People travel from all over the country to Arizona for consultations and treatment with Dr. Kaiser. It’s unquestionably worth the trip.

Whether you’re seeking a first or second opinion, or even if you decide to choose another dental provider, a consultation with Dr. Kaiser will provide you with invaluable insights into your unique dental situation and the available options. You won’t be disappointed.



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